Fire-Dex Blog

20 Questions with John Karban, Director of Operations

Written by firedexadmin | Mar 9, 2015 1:18:28 PM

Connect with John on LinkedIn.


1. What’s the best thing that happened to you this week, either at work or outside of work?
Helping my daughter with her National Honor Society Application and helping my son prepare for his 1st interview – so proud!

2. What is your favorite vacation destination?
Outer Banks, NC

3. What is your favorite local restaurant or place to hangout?
Anywhere outside and on the water.

4. What is your best advice for new college grads or jobseekers looking for their first career gig?
Be honest, trust is earned and treat people in a manner in which you would want to be treated.

5. What is the one thing you wish you’d known 20 years ago?
I wish someone would have told me to invest in Apple.

6. What are three things people don’t know about you and may be surprised to learn?
1. By nature I’m shy.
2. I love Johnny Cash
3. I am undefeated with Dave Liana in Fire-Dex basketball games.

7. What is your favorite app?

8. What is your favorite movie of all time (yes, only one!)?
The Godfather

9. What song makes you want to “bust a move” when you hear it on your iPod or radio?
I’ve been known to moonwalk, but lately I have been getting back into 90’s alternative.

10. What is your favorite cookie?
I am old school, I love Chocolate Chip!

11. What do you love most about your job?
My team. They’re the best! I don’t say it enough.

12. What accomplishment are you most proud of in your professional life?
That I got to be part of the growth of Fire-Dex.

13. Who is/was your inspiration?
My parents, hands down, drop the mic!

14. What are you most excited about for Fire-Dex for 2015?
Starting 2nd shift.

15. What is your favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving, for sure!

16. If you could go back to college today, what would your major be?

17. What one device can you not live without?
My TV!

18. If you were stranded on an island and could only have three things. What would those three things be?
My family, music and nice weather.

19. Which do you prefer, Android or iPhone?

20. Who would you like to “tag” at Fire-Dex to be the next 20 Questions “victim”?  
Steve Allison