Fire-Dex Blog

Meet the #FireDexFamily: Jon Sawyer, Territory Sales Representative

Written by Fire-Dex | Nov 16, 2021 4:16:22 PM
Get to Know Jon!

Jon joined our Fire-Dex Family in June 2021 as a Territory Sales Representative covering Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont! Prior to joining our team, he served as a firefighter for Peterborough Fire and Rescue, and was a sales manager for a publishing company. Learn more about him! 👇

What is the coolest thing about your job and why?

I get to spend all day talking with firefighters about the importance being the of the first line of defense for their communities, and how to protect themselves in hazardous environments by wearing reliable structural and alternative PPE.


What are 3 things people don't know about you and may be surprised to learn?
  1. Before college, I built a house with my grandfather but, I'm a terrible carpenter....The house still stands! 🏠
  2. During college, I was the surgical photographer at a major medical center in Boston 📸
  3. I played saxophone for a band with the moto "Quality Through Volume" 🎷
Have you been anywhere recently for the first time?

Fort Kent, Caribou and Presque Isle Maine. You can't get any further north in New England.

What is your #1 recommended TV Show or movie?

Ted Lasso has been my recent obsession.


Joey, the Family Dog, and Jon with Family & Friends

What's the best advice you've ever received?

Best: Don't burn bridges

Worst: Don't worry, people won't notice


What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics? 

The Biathlon 


How do you relax in the evenings or on the weekends?

Mountain biking, skiing, hiking and relaxing with friends around a campfire! 🔥


Imagine you could step in a teleport for a day and go to any place and time in history. Where and when would you travel to?

December 17, 1903 Kitty Hawk, NC for the Wright Brothers for the first ever flight


What's the last book you read? 

Plainsong by Kent Haruf 


If you could be any animal what would it be and why? 

The beaver, a master of engineering  


What's your go-to happy hour drink? 

The Lymon - Kettle One on the rocks with orange slices 🍊