Fire-Dex Blog

Meet the #FireDexFamily: Scott Wilkinson, Regional Sales Manager

Written by Fire-Dex | Oct 6, 2019 6:50:00 PM

Scott joined the Fire-Dex family in August 2018 as a Regional Sales Manager for New England States and Eastern Canada. Before Fire-Dex, Scott was a distributor sales rep for MES. Learn more about Scott in his Q&A!

What are 3 things people don’t know about you and may be surprised to learn?

  1. Firefighter for over 20 years
  2. Avid college football fan
  3. Had a tryout for the Houston Astros, made the cut, got invited back and overslept the next day.


What is your favorite thing about your job and why?

Seeing how different fire departments operate in different regions. Also being able to spread the word about new technologies in the fire service, mostly spreading the word and educating about TECGEN products.


You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick?

Really have no idea on this one, if I had to pick and believe me, you wouldn’t want me singing, I’d have to go with Enter Sandman from Metallica.


Have you been anywhere recently for the first time?

With this career, I’ve been to a few places for the first time including Calgary but what really stands out to me is seeing the Olympic Training Facility in Lake Placid NY for the first time.


What show are you currently binge watching?

No time for binge watching but my son got me hooked on All American on Netflix.


What's the best advice you've ever received? What about the worst advice?

Best advice: That is always in my mind and came from my father as a little kid. Always believe you're the best on the field but know that there is always somebody better coming for your position or job, this advice has always made me stay on top.

Worst advice: First time skiing, we get off the lift and my friends say the easiest way to learn is to just go, being a 18 year old and afraid of nothing, I went and it wasn’t pretty. Needless to say it was my last time on a hill.


What are you reading right now?

I really like autobiographies, being a baseball guy, I am currently reading The Captain, The Journey of Derek Jeter.


How do you relax after a hard day of work or on the weekends?

Depending on the season, bike rides, sporting events, or live music but I mostly like being home and spending time with family.


If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be?

My grandmothers pasta, nothing else is even close.


60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s: Which decade do you love most and why?

90’s except the music. Life was much more simple. Today’s technology is great in some ways but not so good in others. Instead of talking, we now text or email. We’ve lost the face to face meetings and conversations that we always had.


If you could bring back ANY fashion trend, what would it be?

Mopeds. They were a big hit growing up.


What's your favorite family tradition?

Having everybody together for any holiday is my favorite time but Christmas morning with my family is absolutely my favorite tradition. Not too often do we get to all be together at once.


What is your most used emoji?

Hand to the face..