Fire-Dex Blog

Meet the #FireDexFamily: Paul Merryman

Written by Fire-Dex | Jun 13, 2023 5:55:45 PM
Get to Know Paul!

Paul joined the Fire-Dex Family in February of 2023 as Regional Sales Manager covering the states of Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. As RSM, he works closely with distributors in the field while visiting fire departments, educating dealers on our wide array of products, networking with suppliers, and more. 

Paul was a distributor sales rep for 17 years where he sold Fire-Dex to fire departments. He eventually decided to take the next step and join the #FireDexFamily to become a part of the brand he believes in! 

What excites you the most about working for Fire-Dex? 

The opportunity to be a part of a rapidly growing business that supports the men and women who put others first - firefighters. Fire-Dex just celebrated its 40th Anniversary, and I believe that our best days are in front of us. Being the leader in innovation of PPE, we have the best people creating the refining our products. Fire-Dex is expanding and growing exponentially and we continue to invest in the brand and its people. Being on a team like that is awesome!


Are there any industry trends or topics that are exciting to you right now? 

I love that our industry is focusing on the health of our first responders. At Fire-Dex, we have been messaging the principle of wearing the right gear for the right call. We've been an innovator of lighter, more ergonomic gear and we continue to invest in our products to accomplish this. 


What are 3 things people don't know about you and may be surprised to learn?
  1. I am an avid outdoorsman. I love snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking and whitewater rafting. 🏂
  2. I'm into photography. 
  3. I write fiction on the side but never been published! 📖

What is the #1 binge-worthy TV show or movie you always recommend? 

Frasier or The Big Bang Theory 


What's your favorite caffeinated beverage to keep you energized? Coffee? Tea? Soda? 

Coffee ☕


Are you an early bird or a night owl? 
Yes... 😆😴


How do you reward yourself after completing a difficult task? 

By being outside. 


Have you ever met a celebrity? If so, who? 

Yes. Archie Griffin, 2-time Heisman recipient 


What's something you want to do next year that you've never done before? 

Photograph grizzly bears! 🐻


If you could learn a new skill in an instant, what would it be? 

Speaking Spanish 


If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? 



Imagine that you're a time traveler that can go any place and time in history. Where/when would you explore first? 

July 20, 1969 when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon 🌑