Contrary to popular belief, TECGEN fiber it is NOT a carbon fiber. It consists of a high-density carbon shell that encases a visco-elastic core, which allows it to offer the thermal protection of carbon fiber without the traditional drawbacks of compromised strength. TECGEN fiber bends and stretches without breaking, making it ideal for blending into fabrics. In fact, the addition of this unique fiber contributes to increased durability, flexibility, and comfort.
TECGEN fiber was first introduced into the fire service in 2008 with dual certified rescue gear, now known as TECGEN51 Fatigues. We since acquired the fiber in 2015, making it exclusive to our brand. With help from Milliken, research and development immediately began on TECGEN fabric for application to NFPA 1971. The collaboration unveiled TECGEN71 outer shell in July of 2017.
By reducing the weight of the thermal liners, we are able to decrease the overall composite weight of turnouts designed with TECGEN71 by 4 pounds- not ounces, but POUNDS!