Fire-Dex Blog

How Wildfires Are Named

Wildfires are perhaps the most-discussed type of fire in the general population. And with good reason: In 2023 alone, there were over 56,000 wildfires in the United States. Approximately 85% of wildfires are caused by humans

Puyallup Extrication Finds Its Fit with TECGEN51 Fatigues

Every moment counts in an emergency, and that’s why Puyallup Extrication Team counts on Fire-Dex.

Firefighter Gear for Non-Fire Emergencies with Lee County Fire & EMS

The Right Gear For The Right Call

On those hot summer Georgia days, the Lee County firefighters understand that wearing lightweight, single-layer alternative ppe is crucial when responding to non-fire emergencies

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Alternatives to Firefighter Turnout Gear

Wearing The Right Gear For The Right Call

Why should one set of turnouts be the only option for every emergency you respond to? 

Learn How To Bundle With The Interceptor Package

Fire Gear Is The Solution!

Statistics have shown the risks firefighters face in their line of duty, especially as it relates to cancer and heat stress. Due to the exposure of carcinogens, cancer rates among firefighters is higher than the public at large. There are many programs and studies

The Rise of EMS in the Fire Service

Non-Fire Calls On The Rise

The services provided by fire departments have evolved significantly over time, with a shift towards responding to more medical emergencies than actual fire scenes. Dispatch calls may now lead firefighters to respond to various scenarios such as motor vehicle accidents

Change The Way You Think About Your PPE With The Interceptor Package

Change The Statistic And Defend Yourself

Statistics have shown the risks firefighters face in their line of duty, especially as it relates to cancer and heat stress. Unfortunately, job-related exposure to carcinogens and other fire-ground toxins is a reality, but there are changes your department

The Interceptor Package May Already Be in Your Budget

Get the most from your budget! 💸

We understand that sometimes providing higher levels of protection can create significant stress on the budgets of many fire departments. The Interceptor Package offers a financial solution that will maximize your ability to protect yourself and others without the

What is TECGEN Fiber?

Contrary to popular belief, TECGEN fiber it is NOTa carbon fiber. It consists of a high-density carbon shell that encases a visco-elastic core, which allows it to offer the thermal protection of carbon fiber without the traditional drawbacks of compromised strength. TECGEN fiber bends and


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