Fire-Dex Blog

The Benefits of Extrication Boots for Firefighters

The popular image of a firefighter is someone who, well, fights fires. And while that’s certainly a big part of the job description, the fact is that most calls aren’t actually structure fire related. 

Firefighter Extrication Boots vs. Structural Boots

Firefighters respond to a lot of different calls. From structural fires to MVAs to natural disasters to gas leaks, no day is ever the same. 

Fire-Dex at FDIC 2024

The Fire-Dex team just wrapped up another incredible FDIC in Indianapolis. From new product launches to large giveaways to meeting face-to-face with some of our heroes, it was a great week of connection and learning.

Best-in-Class Breathability for Non-Fire Calls: Fire-Dex Kicks Off the New FDXL90 Boot

At last, emergency responders can get a foot up on comfort.

Fire-Dex, a leading innovator in personal protective gear for fire services, introduces the FDXL90 Boot offering best-in-class breathability and dual NFPA 1951 (Technical Rescue) and 1999 (EMS) certification.

Designed solely for non-fire


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