Fire-Dex Blog

Fire-Dex to Double the Size of Their Manufacturing Facility, Breaking Ground in October

Fire-Dex announced today plans to break ground in October, 2017, with a building expansion that will allow for continued growth.

Retired FDNY Fire Chief Bob Keys on the Importance of R&D

Retired Fire Chief Bob Keys served the City of New York, FDNY for 31 years. He is considered to be an industry expert on the incorporation of new technology in the Fire Service. He was an important member of the rebuilding of the FDNY following 9/11 and has been awarded numerous medals for heroic,

Fire Engineering Google Hangout with Bobby Halton, Rob Schnepp, Peter McBride and Fire-Dex's Allen Rom

When: Monday, September 08, 2014 4:00 PM-5:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Purchasing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Fire Engineering Training Digest - PPE Training Guide This Training Guide should be mandatory reading for every firefighter. The information is of unparalleled importance.

PPE Training Guide - Thermal Performance and Limitations of Bunker Gear

PPE Training Guide - Creating a Maintenance Program for PPE

Fire Engineering Training Digest - PPE Training Guide This Training Guide should be mandatory reading for every firefighter. The information is of unparalleled importance.


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