Fire-Dex Blog

What Fire Department Coffee Thinks of AeroFlex

It’s no big secret that Fire-Dex and Fire Department Coffeeget along really well

Non-Fire Injuries and Why They Matter

For firefighters, the obvious enemy on the fireground is fire. Avoiding injury and death on the fireground often means avoiding flames. 

The Importance of Alternative PPE

For a long time, firefighters have had only two clothing options while on duty. 

The RescuePro Package: Because One Size Doesn’t Fit All Emergencies

Fire-Dex, a global leader in personal protective equipment (PPE) for firefighters and emergency responders, is excited to announce the launch of the RescuePro Package, a bundle designed to provide the right gear for non-structural calls. Combining three of Fire-Dex’s best-selling alternative PPE

The Benefits of Extrication Boots for Firefighters

The popular image of a firefighter is someone who, well, fights fires. And while that’s certainly a big part of the job description, the fact is that most calls aren’t actually structure fire related. 

Fire-Dex and Gear Wash Hire Three, Promote Two

Fire-Dex, the nation’s fastest growing manufacturer of PPE for first responders, and Gear Wash, a subsidiary of Fire-Dex and the country’s largest Independent Service Provider (ISP) of PPE care and maintenance, have filled three positions and promoted two associates over the last quarter. 

Suspender Features Every Firefighter Should Look For

Suspenders have one job: Keep your pants from falling down on the job. 

How Wildfires Are Named

Wildfires are perhaps the most-discussed type of fire in the general population. And with good reason: In 2023 alone, there were over 56,000 wildfires in the United States. Approximately 85% of wildfires are caused by humans

The History of Women in Firefighting

Today, there are over 90,000 female firefighters in the United States. While that is less than 10% of the overall firefighting force, that number has been rising in recent years. 

The Coolest Turnout Gear Yet

Note: This article originally appeared in the June 2024 Issue of International Fire Fighter magazine, page 60.


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