We're proud to announce the launch of a newly designed website for Gear Wash!
Christiana Fire Company (DE) Chooses TECGEN71
As a firefighter, you work within a dynamic environment, and you need gear that enables you to perform your job to the maximum ability. Selecting new turnout gear and composites for your department is a crucial decision to help improve your crew’s safety and performance.
Rapid Fire Podcast S1:E2 Paying Respects to Fallen Firefighters During COVID-19
About This Episode
Retired Chief Ron Siarnicki, who actively serves as the Executive Director of the National Fallen Fire Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) in Maryland, and Joe Minogue, retired FDNY Lieutenant and lead advocate for the NFFF on Long Island, join Chief Keys to discuss how firefighters
5 Ways to Reduce Fatigue in Firefighters and EMS
What is Fatigue?
Medical emergencies require quick responses during all hours of the day. As a firefighter or emergency medical services (EMS) professional, staying alert to respond to every call can cause negative effects on your mind and body. Fatigue is a serious problem among public safety
Rapid Fire Podcast S1:E1 How COVID-19 Is Impacting the Fire Service
About This Episode
Assistant Chief Adam House, who is in charge of training, health and safety for the Sacramento Metro Fire District in California, and Assistant Chief Bryan Norris, the Executive Officer of Emergency Services for the San Antonio Fire Department in Texas, join Chief Keys to discuss
Rapid Fire Podcast Season 1 With Bob Keys
We are thrilled to announce we are launching a new podcast series that unlocks current and trending topics affecting the fire service. Join us as retired FDNY Battalion Chief Bob Keys explores relevant topics and news with highly-esteemed fire industry experts within the U.S.
Heiman Fire Equipment Enters New Partnership with Fire-Dex
Breaking news! Heiman Fire Equipment now offers the full line of Fire-Dex products!
The 4 Best Ways to Prevent Firefighting Injuries
Degrees of safety risk come with every occupation, and as a firefighter, chances of suffering an injury are high. An injury can happen during training, on the fire-ground or when responding to an emergency medical situation. Facing dangerous situations comes with the job while you’re protecting a
Marion Fire Department (OH) Speaks Out About Their TECGEN71 Experience
Selecting the right turnout gear is one of the most important decisions your fire department can make. As a firefighter, you want to feel safe and secure each time you wear your gear. At the Marion City Fire Department, they understand that a high-level of outer protection is important when working
Learn How To Bundle With The Interceptor Package
Fire Gear Is The Solution!
Statistics have shown the risks firefighters face in their line of duty, especially as it relates to cancer and heat stress. Due to the exposure of carcinogens, cancer rates among firefighters is higher than the public at large. There are many programs and studies
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