Fire-Dex Blog

5 Ways to Reduce Fatigue in Firefighters and EMS

What is Fatigue?

Medical emergencies require quick responses during all hours of the day. As a firefighter or emergency medical services (EMS) professional, staying alert to respond to every call can cause negative effects on your mind and body. Fatigue is a serious problem among public safety

The 4 Best Ways to Prevent Firefighting Injuries

Degrees of safety risk come with every occupation, and as a firefighter, chances of suffering an injury are high. An injury can happen during training, on the fire-ground or when responding to an emergency medical situation. Facing dangerous situations comes with the job while you’re protecting a

Learn How To Bundle With The Interceptor Package

Fire Gear Is The Solution!

Statistics have shown the risks firefighters face in their line of duty, especially as it relates to cancer and heat stress. Due to the exposure of carcinogens, cancer rates among firefighters is higher than the public at large. There are many programs and studies

Extending the Life of Turnout Gear for Firefighter Health and Safety

The longevity of your turnout gear and the effectiveness against carcinogens relies heavily on one factor: proper maintenance. Firefighters, like yourself, handle dangerous materials on a regular basis and your turnout gear can pick up a number of highly toxic contaminants. Keeping up with

Recommended Maintenance for Turnout Gear

For many firefighters, structural firefighting protective clothing and gloves can provide a sense of security that they are “safe”. Many believe that simply wearing turnout gear is enough to limit exposure to most cancer-causing agents encountered on the scene.

TECGEN71 Designed to Reduce Heat Stress

Exposure to Extreme Heat 

By its very nature, firefighting is a stressful occupation. Being a firefighter means regularly exerting yourself in dangerous and unpredictable environments. Merely getting ready to respond to fire starts a flow of endorphins and begins putting stress on the


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